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spicysenpai6 t1_jcz47i0 wrote

So I started disc golfing recently and my first time was with my two close friends and some of their friends who are into the sport.

Everyone proceeded to throw these discs so cleanly and seemingly with no effort. Meanwhile, I step up to the plate and i threw decently, but it always veered to the left or right and didn’t get NEARLY as far as the other ppl. And everyone was of course watching me when I did it.

I got some encouragement my first couple times. And it was certainly intimidating to play in front of ppl who are I would consider good, but I just kept reminding myself that all these ppl started where I’m at. It was slightly embarrassing to throw a few times and I couldn’t help but feel judged lol

Anyways, I’m still very mediocre at disc golf. And I’ve only been to 3 courses. But it’s gotten slightly easier each time I do it.