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tonelessEndogeny228 t1_jczfag2 wrote

I like this one.I guess having a goal helps to create a discipline, but does not necessarily mean you’ve to reach that goal.


FuturesSoBright2020 t1_jd1ncsr wrote

Some goals are a million-to-one shot, like making a living as a movie star. But at least if a person with that dream gives it their best shot, they can adjust their expectations to act in local theatre productions while holding down a day job, for example.


Old-Two-8912 t1_jd1t23e wrote

Like Simon Sinek said create infinite goals. This means create goals that will outlive you like a legacy. There was an mma fighter who had won the title of strongest then after the day he won he fell onto depression. To achieve that title he sacrificed relationships, time with love ones and other type of sacrifices to reach his goal. And after reaching his goal of reaching the peak of that sport he realized that after that he had nothing.

(Sorry for bad grammar not my greatest suit of language) anyways i don't remember much what he said and this was only from my memory so its not that correct. What he meant by infinite goals, this is for example having a child. If you ask every parents what is the hardest thing that they did they will tell you the same thing rasing a child. But if you ask them if it is worth it they will answer the same yes. Have goals that will outlive you.