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MeetInPotatoes t1_jddtlo9 wrote

Reply to comment by HappyHighwayman in [image] youre a badass by pavankx

How would you know having not lived in their shoes? Research "fundamental attribution error."


HappyHighwayman t1_jddtozi wrote

So you’re saying everyone is awesome strong and bad-ass?


MeetInPotatoes t1_jddxp51 wrote

No, but I'm noticing how you chose to mischaracterize the position as if it were an extreme absolute as your first step in arguing. It means you have a weak point to make. Not really interested in wherever you were going there cause you're starting off by signaling that you will be making cheap, low quality arguments.

People have strong tendencies to not give to give themselves credit for all they've been through. That's all this is getting at. Slap yourself upside the head and tell yourself that things don't have to be 100% literally true in every single case to have value as advice. I've worked with a lot of people who struggle with being too literal about everything, so I assume that's all that's happening here for you.


HappyHighwayman t1_jde0o04 wrote

There are objectively bad people out there.


MeetInPotatoes t1_jdl237j wrote

I specifically didn't argue that. Would you spurn wisdom because it might not apply to some people who read it? Your call, but I wouldn't understand it. Would it be easier if we just put out a browser extension that stamped "I don't know who needs to hear this, but..." in front of every piece of advice? Couldn't you just imagine it being there instead? you don't miss out on what might apply to you by wasting your time thinking about who it doesn't apply to?