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tol_mak7 t1_jdgaj98 wrote

Don't do this, this will fuck your mind up, unless you don't have friend. Tried this and I have no friends now more depressed than ever!!!


aureliusofthenorth t1_jdgpgge wrote

Yeh I agree, this post is awful advice. People will believe anything these days if it sounds catchy and presented in the right way.


puqpetmaster t1_jdhylcb wrote

it's the best way to know who your real friends are. I mean it works like a friend filter. Those who decide to stay back and accept you after your disappearance are the ones who truly wanted to see you successful. They are your real friends, rest of them are the toxic ones that you don't need


tol_mak7 t1_jdi1cb7 wrote

Yeah, I mean you can't take anyone for granted except your parents ig. It's not like they were bad friends but suddenly disappearing and ghosting your friends is bad for you and people who know you. It's not that they didn't call or mail me, but they are also human beings they also have their own life going on and they can't be thinking about you all the time they have to let go at some moment of time. If you want to do it just don't go vanish in a day take your time, prepare yourself, solitude can be very challenging, you never know when you could need help.


Deranged09 t1_jdioc6u wrote

I mean from the friends point of view you've randomly cut them off for no reason so it's actually you who's being a shitty friend in that situation. If you were a ''real'' friend, you'd explain that you wanted to spend some time working on yourself so you won't be around much instead of playing stupid games.


ithrewthegame t1_jdi7qkp wrote

I did this, bow I have two very good friends and the rest of my once extensive network dropped me.

I did fall into depression but if you push through it can work out, at least I hope 🥲