DeathToBoredom t1_jdza0ik wrote
Finding out there are truly wonderful people out there in the world and that there are all kinds. I'm talking about Hololive. Just about everybody you see there are wonderful people; even the CEO. And that's saying something.
Was that a "little" thing? No, but it is something that keeps me going.
I wish I was an easy person to please or more like a person people can be comfortable around and have a good time. Hololive has been teaching me these things, so I'm learning to be a better person. I also have a very selfish side that I have to co-exist with to live a fulfilling life, so that's where I'm struggling. The conflict between the 2 and finding the middle ground, then building the foundation.
After that wall of text, I've figured some small things that keep me going... My cup of milk tea in the morning, a long shower... Funny and cute content (anime girls and cats).
From what you and other people are saying, I think the simpler the "what keeps you going" the happier you are likely to be as a person.
While I have a long list of things. If it takes so much to keep me going, can I truly be happy? Needing too many things to keep going is high maintenance. High maintenance makes me fall apart.
The only good thing to take away from my comment is that there are truly many things in this world that can make one happy or keep them going. I've got to work hard... Gotta keep going.
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