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sleepy_puzzle t1_jegn5om wrote

This exactly reflects how my day was. Felt like every movement was as through water, slow and heavy, and everything being seen through a foggy and dull lens. Was beating myself up this morning and felt down for many (some seemingly insignificant) reasons. A lot of my negativity stemming from comparisons with others, not in a constructive kind of way. By around lunchtime I just told myself that ”it’s ok” to feel this way. I’m here and that’s all there is right now. Made the dishes. ”Good work!” Cooked a meal. ”This was delicious!” Studied. ”Proud of today’s accomplishments!”

We should celebrate what we are and do in the ”now” and practice acceptance of what is and what may come. You are enough and you are worthy of love. Most of all, you are worthy of giving it to yourself.

Thank you OP for this post.