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legendarymcc2 OP t1_jebwte4 wrote

It’s already slightly slipped. My body definitely looks different compared to a year ago (i accredit this to alcohol and uni dining hall food) and I have put on a little weight. It’s not crazy but if the trend continues for a while I will be out of shape in a year or two.


Pudding_Hero t1_jec8mbh wrote

And then the covenant attacks cause they see you slippin. Don’t disappoint the chief!


legendarymcc2 OP t1_jecmimd wrote

Back in my day I used to workout with only a stick and a rock! For the whole gym!!!


Crueltea t1_jebxgou wrote

At least you're recognizing it now. If you don't like what you're becoming, then that needs to be the motivation for your want to change. My point is that you don't need the gym to be active with people you like to have fun with. Go play outside with your friends.


legendarymcc2 OP t1_jebyhwe wrote

I guess I could go outside now that it is spring but winter here is absolutely miserable.