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akcoder t1_ir0vqke wrote

I’m currently dealing with a broken femur. The most excruciating pain I’ve ever experienced in my entire life. Femurs take a long time to heal. My doc told me 4-6 months minimum before I’ll be back to life again.

Then after the healing you need to do physical therapy to regain your strength. Since my break 7 weeks ago I’ve lost so much strength it takes every bit of strength I have just to lift the leg up to get into bed/car/etc, and some days I don’t even have that and have to use my hands to lift/move/reposition my leg.

Femur breaks are no joke.


tarmacc t1_ir1r3dm wrote

They are fucking loud when they break too. One of the worst sounds I've ever heard. Wasn't even my femur.


akcoder t1_ir1rxx5 wrote

Thankfully I couldn’t hear my femur break over the sound of the rest of my body crashing into the pavement 😆.


terracottatoast t1_ir2pow0 wrote

Yeah I broke my femur in 2 when I was 7 and between the month long hospital stay, then a cast, then a wheel chair, then crutches, then physical therapy... I'd say 7 months even to a year for a full recovery is normal.


SadLlamasOnMars t1_ir2zlwc wrote

I snapped mine in January. I was amazed when I hit this point where everything just got easier and recovery accelerated.


Strange_Tart7721 t1_ir3ci5f wrote

Hang in there and there are a lot more factors than just muscle mass to not being able to move your leg right now. As someone who exploded their tibia and spent over 6 months non-weight bearing it's a long shitty road but once the healing starts you will at least be able to move it again.


akcoder t1_ir3coxj wrote

I’m getting a total hip replacement this Friday. Things will get better soon! My femoral break was at the neck. Screws backed out, hence the new hip.


Strange_Tart7721 t1_ir3qqq8 wrote

25 screws and 2 plates here. Thankfully nothing has ever backed out, but I did lose most of the sensation in my shin. I'm back to everything but long distance running.


Jimmychanga2424 t1_ir1c9yo wrote

I broke mine in a motorcycle wreck and did. Y own therapy and saved a ton of money. I can hike miles and miles now.