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enzovrlrd t1_ir8a22k wrote

There are many nuances to this. Everyone literally has the rest of their lives to live - the joke is on the duration. Selling your present for some comfort on your future is not just advisable, it is expected; it also adds as "payments" for the period of your life where you did not work and still had a measurable attached cost and investment. We pay that back on our children (at least usually).

Having that thought is very healthy but only up to the point where it doesn't prevent you from doing better. It doesn't matter how much money you make as humans can always find new ways to top up comfort and we get used to good things terrifyingly quickly. It's safe, then, to put some thought, and some effort, towards your future. I believe that song is good in the sense that it creates thoughtful provocation but nobody has a way to see the future. WW3 could create a nuclear winter and it would be the end of life as we know it. Have you lived a good life thus far? Is your path aimed towards one? What can you do to steer it? Those are the questions that shouldn't haunt you but shouldn't go unanswered either. Life is short for those who find a way to enjoy it; best things being free is always said by those who don't know the issue relies on access. To healthcare, education, a safe environment. Appreciating the small things can only come after you have a full belly, a safe and warm bed and the peace of mind to enjoy it. Those things have prices, too; not being willing to pay them brings consequences. Like previously stated, many nuances to consider