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sasigona OP t1_irhcg1u wrote

That is the point. Once you understand that your journey is completely unique, you realise the comparisons are pointless.

Ok so everyone may not accept you and may prefer someone else. But that's fine, you need to find the people who accept you.


BabyInAWell t1_irhgpoa wrote

Capitalism and a class system make this kinda hard


Venomous_B t1_irhi08s wrote

U also need to find the reason why some people don accept u.

Often these ppl do not self reflect and think it's all others people fault but didn't realize they r jerks n egoists.


HelmSpicy t1_irhk1zo wrote

Trying to find a reason why someone doesn't like you can be counterproductive.

Everyone has reasons for not liking someone. Maybe their reasons are valid and you're a jerk, or maybe they're because the person is an egoistic jerk, but maybe its just because some people don't vibe, and that's OK.

End of the day its what you think of you. If you can confidently say that you've been the best person you can be and someone still didn't like you, its nothing to mull over.


MrWillM t1_irhnmxv wrote

Doesn’t matter. Just compare you to the you you wanna be and shoot for that. Look behind you once in awhile and see where you’re at, how far you’ve come and where you go next. That’s all there is to it.


Merssy24 t1_irhomhb wrote

Even though we know this is not reality! I think I needed this today.


cinabraqn t1_irhoyoa wrote

Even though we know this is not reality! I think I needed this today.


Merssy24 t1_irhqa8i wrote

I don't disagree with anything but I feel it is hard to have that mindset when everyone is comparing around you. When everyone is in this rat race and all of us want to get ahead in the race. The whole hustle and reach on the top takes a toll on oneself.


Slushies612 t1_irhruvn wrote

I needed this too. Thank you for sharing!


NeopolitanBonerfart t1_irhtbg4 wrote

Thank you for sharing this OP. Do you know who originally said this?


TimePackage t1_irhur5d wrote

this is something, everyone should read this


BuildTopia t1_irhvl5u wrote

This is what I need for today. Thank you so much. ❤️


walrus_yu t1_irhzh99 wrote

Anyone might have an HD version of this? Love it and want to use as wallpaper


Majestic_Mission1682 t1_iri898i wrote

i feel like my mind is cleared like a toilet got deep cleaned with hydrochloric acid. Thank you op


evilgreenman t1_iri9hjl wrote

Just....make sure you're not fucking over other people during your journey.


nmaa3003 t1_iridxhs wrote

Stupid quote for loser.


azumagrey t1_irih5l6 wrote

That's like when rich people say money doesn't bring happiness and beautiful people says looks doesn't matter. Only successful people be like 'dont compare yourself to others' lol


NatNat1988 t1_irii6h8 wrote

I needed this. Can i steal it?


brewce47 t1_irijfrf wrote

The very reason why I left Facebook. It was making me feel depressed.


Kherus1 t1_irikhck wrote

Not sure who said this, but after watching an interview with him recently, my head canon is going with Freddie Mercury.


sasigona OP t1_irilbmu wrote

Thank you for calling me successful?

I have actually gone through a lot of my life wondering why I was so different and wishing I had a lot of things others had. This quote and the attitude mentioned has definitely helped me. But I realise it's not for everyone.


mushy_friend t1_iriniyz wrote

Advice I've heard often but need to be reminded of often too. Thanks for sharing!


superior_navy235 t1_irip09n wrote

I needed this. Last night I had a breakdown over how far behind I feel than others that I know. So to see this helps me a lot. Thank you for posting this.


CodeSugar t1_iriqhdg wrote

There might be light knowing how the system manipulate the people, if you like Rick and Morty the last episode could seen as a critic to the self exploration impulsed by capitalism.


CodeSugar t1_iriqz9j wrote

I mean, you can find rich in the feel of nature, the new day starting, and beauty in yourself, better even if you are not as the standards. If there es empty, there is full.


rugbyfan20 t1_irisvj2 wrote

Comparison is the thief of joy


rugbyfan20 t1_iriswzm wrote

Comparison is the thief of joy


letsallchilloutok t1_iriu9zz wrote

Thanks, this helped me today.

I'm taking some extra time off between jobs to try to steer myself in a better career direction as well as work on some personal problems. It's scary and there's that nagging voice telling you to settle and that you're reaching beyond your capabilities.


dragoonfire0628 t1_irjrbqf wrote

Maybe what you’re missing to see is that this quality of not comparing themselves to others is what actually lead them to success (I shouldn’t have to say of course among other qualities)


lavend_e-r t1_irk11fo wrote

Thank you for this, it's been hard these past few months.


lavend_e-r t1_irkf8v2 wrote

Thank you for the offer but I dislike telling people how I feel, it makes me feel like I'm an inconvenient. And you have your own stuff to deal with, you don't need mine on that pile.


coastal_samurai t1_irkm8lc wrote

A wise man once said - “Comparison is the thief of all joy”


Lemonade_and_Orange t1_irqdr0g wrote

Someone I'm talking to keeps on pushing me that I should shift my course to digital art or anything art related courses because I mentioned to him that I don't like my current course which is Criminology. I had no idea what to choose for college so I just go with other people's suggestion. I wanna start working now and make my own money but I am afraid I might regret this soon. I already spent so much money for my course and I don't want it to go to waste.


sasigona OP t1_irqf4oi wrote

Depends on how you actually feel about the two courses imo. If you're sure that criminology is not something you'd enjoy pursuing as a career and something art related would be definitely your taste, then I would suggest changing courses.

Money spent already is a sunk cost, you cannot recover it. The most important thing is making the right decision that will make you happy in the long run.