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elpajaroquemamais t1_iry3wwv wrote

If some don’t, what’s the problem? You’re the one who keeps trying to convince me.


MaznSpooderman t1_iry4k5u wrote

Nah, this is just a product of your unconvincing argument. The problem with your statement is it ASSUMES survivors bias. It depends on the origins of the statement and the reality of the artists situation. That's why I find it needlessly negative and thus pessimistic.


elpajaroquemamais t1_iry6tz2 wrote

I don’t have to assume anything. It’s telling someone that because they survived something (something that others may not have survived) that they will always survive other things in the future (they won’t).

A better less derivative way of saying the same thing would be:

Remember when you thought you couldn’t do it? Well, you proved yourself wrong. You did it. Keep that in mind next time you have doubts.
