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ValyrianJedi t1_is64zbh wrote

Can't upvote this enough... Spent a lot of my 20s wishing I could change things and make different decisions, but now I'm damn glad I wasn't able to because my 30s are significantly better than they would have been had I been able to make those changes.


[deleted] t1_is6hn05 wrote



ValyrianJedi t1_is6k7zt wrote

You can definitely get there! Believe me, I know the feeling. Heck, this time a decade ago I was working 100 hour weeks, $100k in debt, with few friends nearby, no family for 1k miles, migraines 3-4 days a week, a perpetual stomach ulcer from stress, and seemingly no end in sight. Literally regretted every decision I'd made every morning when I woke up... For the last few years though I couldn't be happier that I made those same decisions, and haven't wished that I could go back and step in to a different life in years... Things do turn around!


krummysunshine t1_is6w6oo wrote

Yeah I feel you, I'm 32 and things are rough, but the last few weeks i've been making changes and already have noticed some slight improvements. Am hoping a year from now things will be much better.


Proper_Wasabi6229 t1_is9j1po wrote

It's not too late to start over but with extra care now and avoid commiting same mistakes again


Smegma_On-Demand t1_is55gvf wrote

As a writer, you would imagine that C.S. Lewis could indeed change the beginning if he wanted to.


HeatMzr t1_is6vsaz wrote

He literally wrote a prequel for the lion the witch and the wardrobe 5 years after he published it.


spet_dad t1_is5lzzi wrote

“I didn’t say that” - CS Lewis


Ironwolf7448 t1_is6gd5k wrote

I have this on a sticky note on my computer. It’s been there for 2 years. Right next to it is a note that says “All it takes is all you got”.


Itschrisrawr t1_is82vz4 wrote

I love that 2nd note, also a new one for me. Appreciate it!


Ironwolf7448 t1_is88ob7 wrote

No problem! I heard it in a zombie apocalypse series called the Extinction Cycle.


gypsybullldog t1_is7url9 wrote

I fuckin love that. Have never heard “all it takes is all you got” before. It’s a battle staying clean and this describes getting through the tough days perfectly.


Ironwolf7448 t1_is88lmn wrote

It helped me through my sobriety, and everything else really. I heard it in a zombie novel first, believe it or not.


rosie-lane t1_is7qo50 wrote

I needed to read this.


TOFFERKINDLE t1_is63057 wrote

You're right! I'm gonna whip my dick out right now!


Bennie212 t1_is6k3u6 wrote

This is a perfect motto


Grinagh t1_is6kt1z wrote

You can't go back

The same way you came

Round all the pieces up

But they just don't fit the same.


LaP0tato t1_is7uauj wrote

Damn. I sat and stared for a moment. This hits hard. Thanks for posting this.


ozzkozz t1_is5zrfs wrote

Game of Thrones Season 5/6 Writers: I guess we missed our boat, boys!


MercenaryBard t1_is6gaaw wrote

Sounds like you can totally change the beginning, then. Also not from C.S. Lewis


HeatMzr t1_is6w2kt wrote

The magicians Nephew was released 5 years after The Lion, The Witch and The wardrobe and its a prequel that writes out everything leading up to it.


Smol_Fairy t1_is7z7l4 wrote

Still would be great if I got just a little bit of understanding and apology from the very people who raised me and therefore massively contributed to the many things i struggle with today.


RhythmicStyles t1_is83xh3 wrote

Used too feel the same way. I tell myself to move on. Remind yourself of that. You're a warrior haha.


Bitter-Ad8728 t1_isn7olt wrote

My mountain, my climb. The higher I go up, the more I see the view of others climbing there’s as well, keep climbing friends, see you at the top.

  • Mr Mighten

bjiatube t1_is6eu0b wrote

Probably shouldn't tell this to a person with suicide ideation imho


[deleted] t1_is7o98l wrote

I actually discovered a way to change the beginning, but it's a secret.


RalbusVonCrimp t1_is8ul2y wrote

Scrolled past this quick like. Thought it was from Louis C. k. Thought…, happy ending..??


[deleted] t1_is8wc41 wrote

The ending? Lmao, the ending's death boyo. You got some immortal juice tucked in your cupboard somewhere?


Xurgetstheging t1_is928l3 wrote

Starting where you are requires coordination.


defw t1_is9ddm2 wrote

Tell that to the people I ruined. No no not having a roll forward I think.


enduring_student t1_iscroep wrote

Yes, rewrites are for fantasies and retellings only. Life does not have a backspace key.


BillyBobBanana t1_is7cinr wrote

Nobody can change anything, choice is a fictional construct our minds evolved that has no bearing on reality


FriendlyFreeman t1_is67b5q wrote

Women be lion, the be witches, & they be worried bout they wardrobe

-Clown Shit Lewis


VPNApe t1_is640jq wrote

Rly? How do you change inevitable death?

These quotes are stupid


ThePinkParadox OP t1_is67zug wrote

You can't change whether you'll die or not, but you can change your attitude or other things in life that'll make you die happier or more content.

If this quote doesn't inspire you, then it isn't for you.


LGGP75 t1_is5j4lp wrote

This is a nice phrase but how would anyone CHANGE the end if it has never happened? Perhaps a better word would be DECIDE or SHAPE


Maccabee2 t1_is8g81p wrote

We can change the ending to which we are headed now. It's a way of using the same word, change, to contrast two different ways of looking at life. Live in regret or bitterness, or decide today to change the future for the better.