
crujones33 t1_j0dqm8z wrote

>I’d say if you don’t like yourself, you have reasons for not liking yourself,

Yes I do. I don’t recall if I listed them in this post in another comment or another post.

>and I think in my personal opinion it’s useless to hear to “like yourself”.

Yes, I hate this advice too. It’s up there with “stop being shy”.

>My opinion is if you don’t like yourself try to do some stuff that’s difficult, but not too difficult.

Why? What does this accomplish?

>Another thing to mention is doing all those things will also make your life better in a lot of ways. So even if it feels selfless it’s actually selfish, cause you get back way more than you give.

I concur.

>Occasionally you get burned but you can’t have expectations from others, just yourself.

It’s based on my expectations. My ex-girlfriend had better expectations of me than I do. Most people have better expectations of me than I do. Maybe it’s because of how much time I sit in my own headspace.

>Edit: don’t give up on liking yourself.

I haven’t, yet.


crujones33 t1_j0dj6ff wrote

I’m 48. I’ve made bad choices in my adult years that have led to a very sub-optimal life and I’m paying for it.

I’m very overweight and that is a direct result of bad decisions or lack of good decisions on my part.

I’m lonely and miserable because of social awkwardness/shyness that I didn’t deal with over the years.

I spent years getting low wages because I was too afraid to speak up for myself or look for better-paying jobs.

I know whose fault it is that I’m not happy: mine.