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DarkKnightCometh t1_isae3ni wrote

It never ceases to amaze me how many people are here just to contadict every post. Like, what are you even doing here? If this helps someone in any way, why do you have to be negative about it for no reason?


EatSleepCodeCycle t1_isag1cq wrote

I used to be subbed but left because of this. Huge problem on r/GetDisciplined too.


DarkKnightCometh t1_isajp0h wrote

It reminds me of the kid in class who contradicts everything the teacher says because they think it makes them seem smarter than everyone else. In reality they just look like an annoying asshole.


ValyrianJedi t1_isaltgt wrote

Maybe if they actually had motivational content instead of just a mountain of useless feel-good bullshit it wouldn't be a problem.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isauvc7 wrote

Why does what is motivational or not have to be measured by your standard only? It is motivational to someone else.


ValyrianJedi t1_isavlfe wrote

Advocating that someone only completely a piece of something seems plain de-motivational.


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isaw20e wrote

Maybe you're that privileged.


ValyrianJedi t1_isazx9f wrote

Pretty sure the privileged person is the one who is able to act like 30% is a win


ThePinkParadox OP t1_isb1jpt wrote

The quote clearly says that 30% is better than 0%. Being able to do more than previously is great progress.


ValyrianJedi t1_isb2cyu wrote

Yeah there is just no chance of us agreeing on this one
