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pyrohydrosmok t1_isx9411 wrote

Yeah I mean that's cool and all... But dangerously close to "bootstraps" territory. Not motivational.


Parking-Mud-1848 t1_isxlxrv wrote

Yea I don’t know that I particularly like this. The Rock is a wonderful guy and seems really nice but I think this ventures into some tricky territory. This article explains it well


clerk1o2 t1_isxwii7 wrote

Real question. Do people like this generally have genitalia?


DinosaurianStarling t1_it1da96 wrote

But does that still apply when the guy is literally a motivational speaker and a mindset coach? I understand what you mean and this sort of thing is icky in general, but it's also Nick's job, he chose it. Is he supposed to just not be doing the work he wants to do because he wasn't born with four limbs?


Tossacoin1234 t1_itvzpl6 wrote

Yes, it’s a genetic disorder (can’t remember the name atm). My honest curious question is how does he protect the sensitive parts or Crown Jewels when standing?

Anyone with something similar or knowledge of, would you mind providing insight?