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WoodytheWicked t1_it6udfz wrote

I dislike him and his toxic happiness. I. Can dislike people no?


AliBarberTheSecond t1_it6ugeo wrote

At least you were more honest about it after you were called out about it. You're allowed to dislike him, but your other reasons are untrue and quite insulting


WoodytheWicked t1_it6x9bw wrote

Wow, wait. I don't take anything back thoug. The guy is an alleged SA'er, sells overpriced supplements, avocates for diets (alkaline diet I think top of mind) that aren't medically based. Spreads misinformation about psychology, taking points about masculine and feminine energies which are based on nothing.

Conspiracies during COVID, avocates get rich quick schemes, does pressure selling to his poor and disadvantages audiences, ...

The list goes on.

I do not like Tony of Robbins

Seller of fake happiness to the masses

I do not like Tony the giant

Breaker of the independent body of lasses

Making the poor reliant

I do not like Tony Robbins