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kmm91 t1_ity7wx4 wrote

Not OP, but here to say; yes, 100%. If you think you even might suffer from mental illness, you should talk to a professional.

I felt lazy, stupid, and worthless my whole life. In my mid twenties, I finally talked to someone. Now, I’m 31 and a junior in art school. I almost didn’t graduate high school, but I’m here making my dreams a reality now.

I’m not saying it’s the easiest road, but I’d never choose anything else. I had to go through multiple medications, multiple doctors, and, even, multiple diagnoses (anxiety> depression> ADHD), but I feel more like a person than I ever did before.

And even if you just get therapy, you’d be amazed how much it can help. The combination of both is why I was able to get here. My only regret is not doing this sooner, but regret is so pointless, so, I’m just happy to be at this point of my life finally.

You can do it. Don’t give up. Remember, the years will pass regardless of what you do… might as well try to create the life you want.