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ayaPapaya t1_ityp6m3 wrote

There’s a creation (art, painting, coding, etc) meetup where I’m at. There are also regular figure drawing meetups. Perhaps you can look for experiences at the intersection of what you’re good at and what you wanna get good at (eg art and human connection).


ihitrockswithammers t1_itypwlr wrote

Thanks for the suggestion! I've been going to various queer meetups cause I feel like that's an aspect of my identity I can connect with people on.

I went really deep into my creative work and find it hard to connect with others on that now, even people I've worked with for many years. It's kind of alienating. It turned into this whole journey of self discovery so if I start talking about it in any depth I get really intense and manage to kill conversations stone dead :/


ayaPapaya t1_iu0isj1 wrote

Haha i get that. There are others like you (those who go deeeep and are super passionate about their craft). But it’s also good to try new things. Best of luck and if you ever want to talk, feel free to DM me :)