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coyote-1 t1_iu1992k wrote

Confidence comes from demonstrated ability.

Anything else is braggadocio and bravado. Any questions about that, ask Rex Ryan… who famously stated, once upon a time during preseason, that the NY Jets were “Super Bowl ready”. They of course went on to have a dismal season.

So beware of feeling worthy and confident until you’ve attained something worthy of that feeling.


vkeyunl0ckslife OP t1_iu3f9oq wrote

Not necessarily, because do you think sun has to feel worthy and need to feel worthy to revolve around the globe and then think what will happen it will be pulled on the direction whoever is appreciating it more spends more time shining there? and whoever more cursing it like in desert regions. Don't you think that will make it loose the balance of day and night? or Do you think nature need your validation to bloom beautifully and decorate planet earth or worse do you think your own body cells need to feel worthy to do what they are created to do, no the only effect it will have is to enchance or deform, if you leave it as it is it will still do its work 🙃💕


coyote-1 t1_iu4736u wrote

The sun does not revolve around the globe.

As for ‘worthy’, I am not saying to feel un-worthy. We all are inherently worthy of life, of love, of respect etc until and unless proven otherwise. But we are not worthy to proclaim ourselves “Super Bowl ready” until we actually win the playoff game that sends us to the Super Bowl.