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misspellted t1_iu3d36l wrote


One needs to identify what defines the worth, how to assess the worth, and how to ascribe one's self to that identity and assessment. That takes rules, guidelines, et cetera, in order to make the "worth" mean something.

Sure, the rule could be "I exist, therefore I have worth.". But.. that's a rule.


vkeyunl0ckslife OP t1_iu3eixr wrote

I respect your point of view and for sharing it, I agree to that some extent but do you think there is a complex process/rule to validate self worth? I am just curious 🤔

Do you know what causes "stress" most of the time? It's our own self-defined rule that we were unable to comply with other others to comply, I would like to invite you to think about it #ExtraordinaryTogether 💪💕✨🙌🏽


MuminMetal t1_iu4h7sa wrote

I think it's especially hard to feel any inherent worth from mere existence. In the globalized era, we are exposed to directly contradicting evidence: we are unremarkable and there is always someone more successful than you at every endeavour. It instills a sort of existential malaise tbh.