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ofimmsl t1_iv2fk51 wrote

You can get antidepressants prescribed from websites. Depending on the state you might have to have a brief phone call with the doctor or just a text conversation

Can also do therapy using facetime on your phone


Mischeivious_Oracle t1_iv2i6bm wrote

I think it could be useful to also set goals for yourself. You're not going to change yourself overnight, but you can start Journaling your thoughts and feelings. You can set goals to get out of the house and do actives you enjoy once a week. Also, take time to visuallize about the life you want. What does happiness mean to you? What kind of life do you want? Once you have an idea of what future you want for yourself it becomes alot easier to think about what steps to take to achieve that.


Gcates1914 t1_iv2p498 wrote

The key to motivation (in my opinion) is to set achievable goals that you can consistently work toward and see progress along the way.

It’s also important to understand that you can’t solve everything at once, so it’s best to attack areas of your life one at a time. If fitness is a goal, start there. Find a simple program and follow it consistently, establish a routine. If it’s about simple stuff like being more organized and cleaning, start a checklist and do one thing a day.

You want to define areas you wish to improve and then establish a game plan for working toward those goals.

Every day is an opportunity to make progress and if you don’t make progress today it’s ok because there’s tomorrow. Don’t dwell on negatives, focus on opportunity.

You can do everything you want to, just don’t be overwhelmed by the totality of it. Brick by brick we can build the life we want.


SharpMarble147 t1_iv2qfzm wrote

r/getmotivated can also a good place to look for small motivational things


poopyhead234 t1_iv3x57m wrote

I feel like you’re looking for a way to instantly get better, which will never happen. My best advice is to just go out more and start to experience different things. Meet new people and get new interests. You might find something you like. It’s a slow process, not everyday gonna be good, sometimes u want to lay in bed all day.


Sarvesh_2020 t1_iv45910 wrote

Look, motivation is unreliable and u can't trust it. When you are motivated you feel great you work hard, the next day you are not motivated you don't do any work and that day is wasted. You see motivation cannot help you in becoming consistent. We all know consistency is key to achieving what we want in life and not motivation. You can be consistent by getting disciplined, you can get disciplined by creating a habit of that thing you want in life. And finally you can create a new habit successfully if you know your "why". So I would say focus on your "why" and "how" so that you can get consistent and do not rely on motivation. Now this does not mean I hate motivation. No. Sometimes we need it as it encourages us to dream big and makes us feel that we can do it.


FlowLongjumping911 t1_iv45em5 wrote

A few things:

First, what do you value? You are more likely to stick to patterns and decisions when they align with what you value.

Second, some habits are like dominos. They set off a chain reaction of other habits, often unintentionally and subconsciously. Identifying which “keystone” habits start this cycle is critical to hijacking your brain’s attempt to go on auto pilot (that’s all habits are-your brain is trying to work less)

Third, willpower is finite, as you may have already discovered. Know that any habit you are trying to change or eliminate must be replaced with a new habit. Use the first two points to guide this concept.

Finally, The Power Of Habit is a fantastic book that outlines these concepts in more detail. Another is Dr!ve by Daniel H. Pink, which elaborate on extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. You might find value in one or both titles.


enduring_student t1_iv4egvi wrote

An important thing to keep in mind is to do what works for you without hurting others.

Seriously, it's so simple that it's easy to overlook. There are so many systems, methods, techniques available to try. Not all of them will work for you in a given time or situation, so just have them in your toolbox and pull out what you need. It helps to take notes on what worked and what didn't and why. The important thing is to lean into what works.

Also a note about motivation: 1) It is a good fuel that comes in lots of different styles, and 2) Will rarely get you all the way to any goal. You need lots of different fuels to burn in your engine of achievement: discipline, rewards, reminders, friends and family, habits, kicking yourself just enough to get up and try again (but not enough to feel like an awful person), taking a break, schedules, etc. These are all more tools in your toolbox, more ways to find what works for you.

Edited for grammar.


SelfimprovementSam t1_iv4vbra wrote

Hey man I’m someone who struggles with motivation too, how about we team up, message each other when we’re low on motivation, keep each other on our goals and progress together (open to anyone just send me a message)


vornez t1_iv6rqtk wrote

Get a medical you could be anemic or hypothyroid. Otherwise you can get a dexamphetamine prescription that'll give you energy.