Shimanu t1_iwonqco wrote
Alright take my upvote and pac outta here
trafalmadorianistic t1_iwpgde1 wrote
Pac shet, that's beri beri gud.
HappyHighwayman t1_iwntstl wrote
And then he turned into an asshole politician who didn’t pay taxes and hates the gays. Very Motivational.
rabman123 t1_iwor3wv wrote
Doesn’t take away what he did to be a boxer. You don’t have to agree with people’s opinions to respect what they’ve done in other fields
rectifier9 t1_iwpukqh wrote
Him believing that a human is below an animal because of their sexual preferences does take away from his accomplishments, both in sport and his philanthropic efforts. Further, he supports the killing of humans to fight the war on drugs. Ironically he used to do drugs, so it's a bit hypocritical of him.
You absolutely can judge the character of a person, which impacts their accomplishments, based on what they believe in.
ViciousFenrir t1_iwpuml5 wrote
You might not have to but I lose a lot of respect for someone overall when it turns out they are a horrible person.
erv4 t1_iwpxqae wrote
Who gives a shit if he was a good boxer or what he did to achieve that. The second he is shown to be a disgusting human all his accolades go out the window. He is no longer Manny Pacquiao the boxer, he is Manny Pacquiao the biggot loser hypocrite.
Drkknightcecil t1_iwqw7d0 wrote
Because boxing is what he's famous for dummy. He didn't go to the boxing gym trying to be the next fucking Elvis Presley.
Affectionate_Guava87 t1_iwo3eu8 wrote
Yeah, the typical way to political power in his country is very much "your opponents have 'fatal accidents'" as I understand it. And I've heard he's no exception.
ethyl-pentanoic-acid t1_ixu2rmn wrote
He made his money and like so many other celebrities, overlooked the fact that it was time to leave the stage.
Otherwise-Young627 t1_iwqoaj9 wrote
“ hates the g@ys“ So what ? He can hate whatever he wants
HappyHighwayman t1_iwqoei1 wrote
Gay is not a dirty word you need to use the @ symbol to post.
Otherwise-Young627 t1_iwr1zyn wrote
So you’re the one he hates
Otherwise-Young627 t1_iwr6zl1 wrote
Thanks for the help gay stranger
ziggyiggze t1_iwovo2k wrote
does having a different opinion invalidate the good he has done? in my country manny helped millions, i remember my family and neighbors was given donation when a typhoon hit our area, throughout his career an inspiration for the poor, i remember back then the crime rate in the philippines would be much much lower when he has a boxing match cuz everyone was watching, and everyone was so happy and united. dont call him an asshole dude, u have no idea.
elpajaroquemamais t1_iwpo28q wrote
That’s great it you aren’t gay.
ziggyiggze t1_iwpqa83 wrote
That's great dude, nice argument very rational people.
elpajaroquemamais t1_iwpqdy9 wrote
Pretty much sums it up. He’s anti guy and likely votes that way. So if you’re straight, yeah easy to look past that because it’s not your problem. That seems to be your argument.
ziggyiggze t1_iwpr86s wrote
i think that there is literally nothing i can do to change your opinion, one opinion of manny is your whole argument that he probably already regrets, but please do research on the other things he's done. manny isn't known to have the best intellect, he tried to run for presidency but wasn't really a serious contender. he is taken as a meme in our own country which is sad but to call him as asshole i think isn't right.
countless other websites/articles you can see if you search :)
elpajaroquemamais t1_iwpxqv2 wrote
If someone does good and bad, you absolutely shouldn’t ignore either.
[deleted] t1_iwpy2za wrote
HappyHighwayman t1_iwq744y wrote
Oh so you excuse him for being dumb
HappyHighwayman t1_iwq72nd wrote
Yes he’s an asshole
djkoch66 t1_iwoxo8u wrote
It’s insulting to call this ghetto equipment. To me this is smart. How many of us don’t exercise because we don’t have the right equipment?
basspig t1_iwpa46z wrote
Does that make sense though? I mean, he didn’t have to “right equipment” either. But he used what he had and it worked.
I bet Manny would also say that he was poor at the time. Maybe even living in a ghetto.
Don’t be insulted. Be motivated. This is awesome.
djkoch66 t1_iwpdna7 wrote
I don’t know how he describe his environment but I still find ghetto an offensive and derogatory word as it describes the segregation of a marginalized group.
basspig t1_iwpdzgt wrote
Poor,marginalized, low income, = ghetto. It’s literally the definition. I get feeling bad for poor people, but for fuck sake. How is it possible to be offended by a word…
djkoch66 t1_iwrl13j wrote
Do you belong to a marginalized community?
basspig t1_iwrlv34 wrote
I don’t belong to anything. Neither do you. You’re not a possession.
I am able to point to any word in the dictionary without being hurt or offended. Im starting to believe I have a superpower.
djkoch66 t1_iwroi1d wrote
Yet you’re carrying on a discussion about it as if you are bothered by it.
basspig t1_iwrp1zn wrote
These types of conversations are important. Free yourself from the imaginary shackles and false pain of words. Stop telling people to change their words because you don’t like them. That’s childish.
[deleted] t1_iwpi6ej wrote
slickvik9 t1_iwqk3jd wrote
Your last sentence is idiotic beyond belief.
[deleted] t1_iwqknjd wrote
trafalmadorianistic t1_iwph8yp wrote
He's not using it in that way. You know there is more than one usage of the word.
In the Philippines we don't use the word "ghetto". The usual English word used for places where the urban poor live is "slum", though I don't know if he was living in one.
I think a more precise word to use is "makeshift", but that's not clickable enough for Reddit
djkoch66 t1_iwrllk3 wrote
Are you part of a marginalized group?
basspig t1_iwpihsg wrote
You realize you’re just making words that make YOU feel better, because you feel bad for someone who is not offended, right?
Slum, trailer park, ghetto, shit hole, dump. You can call it whatever makes you feel nice and empathetic, but it’s still the same thing.
asrama t1_iwpcw9d wrote
The Filipino legislator?
[deleted] t1_iwpd2ng wrote
ziggyiggze t1_iwpq2bb wrote
It's sad that this is getting down voted, I'm sure it's other Filipinos as well who are down voting, the ones who always complain and don't contribute in making it better
[deleted] t1_ixbw149 wrote
Any-Lion-5575 t1_iwqe17d wrote
what a legend though
FaisalTheDestroyer t1_ix8tkkk wrote
Now that is dedication.
Mootivate t1_iwoxbl9 wrote
Wow if I was him I wood not believe this image cycled
SEND_PUNS_PLZ t1_iwokjrz wrote
In this picture it looks like he is two tired