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ValyrianJedi t1_iy8ndk7 wrote

Eh, there are definitely scenarios where the results matter, and doing a poor job is no better than just not doing it.


sparklesandflies t1_iy9i7sn wrote

In some very specific scenarios, yes. There is no one blanket statement to cover all possible situations. So if you are trying to design a system to prevent nuclear meltdown, sure. Do it perfectly or have someone else do it perfectly. But for the vast majority of life events? Done is better than perfect. Too tired after work to cook a balanced, healthy, delicious meal? Eat something rather than go without. Didn’t make it out for a 40-minute run? Walk for 15 instead of laying on the couch. A client wants a mock-up of a deliverable but your deadline is too short? Show them why you have and describe the rest. That might not work every time, but it’s better than delivering nothing because it wasn’t 100%.