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TheWalkingDead91 t1_iyr92am wrote

I was gonna say….isn’t he the guy who ordered the poisoning a whole town? Or am I thinking of someone else?


picoCuries t1_iyrcrgp wrote

You’re right. Wild Wild Country on Netflix was about him and his followers. Wild story.


teffflon t1_iyrnpfr wrote

That place (Rajneeshpuram) was also an abusive sex cult, so even the titillation is spoiled here.


leon_nerd t1_iyrafgj wrote

That's Jim Jones.


picoCuries t1_iyrcmjt wrote

No, Jim Jones forced followers to drink the Kool Aid. OSHA’s followers poisoned a town so that they wouldn’t show up and vote. His name was Bagwan Shree Rajneesh.