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Cuntly_Fuckface t1_iz9pnjd wrote

As shall i if i ever find myself in this situation


gotele t1_iz9s4ap wrote

He died on the way to the hospital.


Celcius_87 t1_iz9spe3 wrote

Does this apply to the housing market too?


lynivvinyl t1_iz9t2lj wrote

Everything is a dildo if you're brave enough.


rafael-a t1_iz9ug10 wrote

This makes it sound like he wants this cactus to pass his but hole


Bastette54 t1_iz9umo9 wrote

That is something I’ll never have to “pass.” 😹🙀


litetaker t1_iz9v2m2 wrote

I am too immature. All I can see is someone pooping a lot of thorns. And he is hoping that he can pass it all in one sitting.


MiykaelPoly t1_iz9vesu wrote

This too shall pass, it will pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.


JMHSrowing t1_iz9x8u5 wrote

Technically that can be seen as true, since g e existence of the universe is finite and on a more personal level even things that are terminal or crippling for life will end with one’s inevitable death.

Though, if one considers death a circumstance, then this is categorically incorrect


crillc t1_iz9xdvk wrote

That looks like permanent damage …


freewillcausality t1_iz9yw9i wrote

Unless you repeat the actions that led to your current misfortune.


radioflea t1_iza2yn4 wrote

I’ve never crapped out a cactus but I imagine this is true.


marcosbowser t1_iza4nvq wrote

Haha I thought it said “all circumcisions are temporary”. Somehow the image works lol


flaheat t1_iza6tst wrote

...said the cactus up your ass.


JCPRuckus t1_iza7vco wrote

Circumstances are temporary. Trauma is forever.


IrrationalID_12 t1_izaakha wrote

Looks a little painful bro , It is a good message but I believe you could use another Picture to convey the teaching.


chuy2256 t1_izabx35 wrote

Is it going in or coming out?


insite986 t1_izacapi wrote

“Pass?” As in he shit a cactus? OMG


invaderpixel t1_izadjvo wrote

Any unpleasant situation you find yourself in could be someone else's greatest fetish.


Obetend t1_izadp32 wrote

My coworkers and I are sad laughing at this.


[deleted] t1_izadqrj wrote

This is giving me wicked chipotle flashbacks


kejok t1_izae735 wrote

This is my mantra to get through my college life and practically everything in my life. Either my problem passed or I passed my problem


Organic_Influence t1_izae9fh wrote

As a german, i first read „This too shall fit (inside)“ as „passen“ is „to fit“ Made my day anyhow


2oam t1_izag3h2 wrote

Hahahahahah just send this to my family group chat when my mom sat on a cactus on our last road trip in Zion.


grafxguy1 t1_izah94w wrote

Is he pooping out a hundred spiders?


LilGoughy t1_izahiza wrote

r/worldpolitics approves this post


birish21 t1_izairki wrote

Yet nobody talks about the residual damage.


Ruthless4u t1_izajgp5 wrote

If that’s what passed it looks painful


yamaha2000us t1_izakbv1 wrote

That will either go in or work its way out.


sucobe t1_izakjdj wrote

Oh god r/worldpolitics is leaking.


rebordacao OP t1_izamfqf wrote

"Foreskin restoration is the process of expanding the skin on the penis to reconstruct an organ similar to the foreskin, which has been removed by circumcision or injury. Foreskin restoration is primarily accomplished by stretching the residual skin of the penis, but surgical methods also exist".

Source: Wikipedia


Chefskippy77 t1_izanb2d wrote

Who's shitting out fully grown cactus. I mean it may pass...... but do you want it too?


bboymixer t1_izanmy0 wrote

I need this cross stitch pattern


ferah11 t1_izapyo0 wrote

I hope I never have to pass a BM that size.


loughtthenot t1_izaqizj wrote

What I tell myself when Im constipated


DetachableChungus t1_izar63w wrote

Haha at first I thought this was posted in my endometriosis group and I was like "yup, feels just like that!"


TypeAtryingtoB t1_izar760 wrote

How I felt as they were stitching me up from birth broski


kopecs t1_izasusi wrote

Is this coming out? Or going in?


twirleygirl t1_izauyi5 wrote

Love it! Reminds me of my favorite phrase about making the best of things: "You may have been given a cactus, but you don't have to sit on it"


EnvironmentalSpirit2 t1_izaxkpv wrote

I ordered some takeaway pizza yesterday so i know this picture too vividly today.


phinbar t1_izay4h1 wrote

At first, I read this as "All circumcisions...", saw the image and was confused.


KIrkwillrule t1_izaz4al wrote

Except chronic pain. It's not temporary


Appletio t1_izazlxj wrote

What if I'm sentenced to 3 lifetimes in prison


Nevermemory t1_izazycq wrote

technically true.....but ouch.......


99goatthe t1_izb04ry wrote

I always thought it was “the stew shall pass”….


sneaky_squirrel t1_izb0ps4 wrote

I have a feeling the next Cacti won't be nearly as comfortable as this one XD.


Rasholio t1_izb287e wrote

Looooool sell this on Etsy you’ll be rich if you have other ideas with similar art style and humor


zehcoutinho t1_izb4jlu wrote

Not if Gandalf has anything to say about iy


Alias-Q t1_izb57zl wrote

This could also be used for the classic, “Anything is a dildo if you are brave enough”


Aoiboshi t1_izb5z3t wrote

Looks like he's taking a cactus poop


librician t1_izb63vm wrote

I thought this said “all circumcisions are temporary” which interestingly helped me dismiss the entire inspirational meme. Some things change your life forever, and minimizing that is just bypassing.


hopefulhearted t1_izb7vbe wrote

Oh fuck this is the funniest thing I've seen all day. I don't have any awards to give but you win, OP


Uknow_nothing t1_izb85er wrote

My grandma used to say this a lot when she was going through cancer treatment. It’s one of my favorite sayings


mltain t1_izbb477 wrote

Whether you're going to survive it or not is still up for debate.


sakaay2 t1_izbe8nh wrote

agreed life is temporary it'll pass eventually even if you lived a shit one from start to end


meirzy t1_izbel31 wrote

Her legend has spread beyond r/worldpolitics


CLAYTILL767 t1_izbfqx3 wrote

I initially read this as "All circumcision are temporary"


UnknownAnonymousMan t1_izbiy0g wrote

In the 90’s. it’s Halloween. I live in a city within the Sonoran Desert of American West of the US.

I’m in a full Batman costume getting candy and doing my thing but I can barely see through the flimsy, cheap mask.

It’s dark out of course and on my way out from a house I trip over a walkway side brick and fall on a cactus plant.

I had to pick needles out from my ass the rest of the night. I mean, It could have been worse but the costume got most of it.

What’s the morale of the story? Tell me your thoughts.


AnBearna t1_izbmtz5 wrote

I mean that’s true, but shit- this is a pain that would last quite a while….!


KidZaniac1 t1_izbovjj wrote

Is this available in poster form?


owangewoundoboi t1_izbp0m9 wrote

Been going through a hard time lately, seeing this gave me the first real laugh I’ve had in months.


Cuxs t1_izbry7h wrote

Good things too


cy13erpunk t1_izbxnim wrote

i think this might the best post ever for this sub



Hyde_el_punk t1_izc58p0 wrote

Honestly I needed this today thank you


Slapbox t1_izc6vk0 wrote

All circumstances are temporary, and the circumstances that follow will be worse.

It's the constant of modern life.


Un1imit1989 t1_izc98uf wrote

Worldpolitics can confirm... Lmao


human1st0 t1_izcbavx wrote

I did this once and I’m still here. So yes, this will pass.


kosmogore t1_izcd2w9 wrote

This should be a constipation pun. "This poo shall pass".


meopelle t1_izcecvb wrote

I'd buy a shirt of this if you have a site or anything!


pm_cheesecakes t1_izciynw wrote

This dude.... Passing a 🌵? That damage might be permanent


deadlyfrost273 t1_izcl97e wrote

Yes, my chronic and lifelong battle with uncurable disorders shall pass. Thank you. And I feel better already. 🙄


pixiepeg t1_izcsmtw wrote

When I was little, my dad would read me a picture book called This Too Shall Pass. Whenever I was upset he would tell me this too shall pass. Scraped my knee? This too shall pass. Bad grade? This too shall pass. Crying because I was being bullied? This too shall pass. He passed away when I was 16. Next week will be seven years without him. Even though he’s been gone for so long now, I still say to myself “this too shall pass.” And it does. And it will.


kay_bizzle t1_izcvdpe wrote

Is he sticking a cactus up his ass, or has he already passed it?


FlaccidRazor t1_izcwpjs wrote

All circumcisions however, are permanent!


_malusdomestica_ t1_izd09xz wrote

Did you go to melbourne polytech? I recognise the little dude from an animation tutorial there.


Garpocalypse t1_izd0sa7 wrote

That image looks like its about to get a whole lot worse before it gets better....


SuccessfulLoser- t1_izd12h4 wrote

All things in life, good or bad, must come to an end!


CrispyVagrant t1_izd4ha5 wrote

I read the title as "All circumcisions are temporary" and I was so confused.


AtlanticPirate t1_izd763r wrote

I too shall pass, pretty soon, from blood loss.


I mean I obviously get the message but ... why?


Valyerpal t1_izdd3fm wrote

Wait.... we're all thinking the same thing, right? Is he sitting on a cactus or shitting out a cactus? Given the slogan, he's...doing a spikey poop?


dinkyy3 t1_izdfeuc wrote

This too shall a cactus up your ass.


inner8 t1_izdhop0 wrote

This will make a great tattoo


Seemseasy t1_izdldpk wrote

But it's still a cactus ass


One_for_each_of_you t1_izdo1ty wrote

I feel I should make a record--though the trauma remains raw--while the details are still fresh in my mind. To set it in record, now, before true memory blends as it always does with the altered and revised memories which are a natural consequence of accessing a memory again and again, in various circumstances and as new memories distance the reality of the event farther and farther from the present moment, and from the truth of the account, close as it can be rendered. I should.

Yet every time I set forth to put ink to page, something balks me. Perhaps it is as simple as the uncertainty of where to begin. Perhaps it is the fear that to recount these eldritch horrors will draw up from me the wellspring of unspeakable dread and terror I have managed to suppress so far, but with an admittedly tenuous grip, almost like a gutshot man clutching his belly to prevent that red stain from sitting and his life fluid leaking out. Or perhaps it is simply self doubt, a lack of confidence in my own abilities to adequately convey the sense of what it was to be there, in the flesh, in the moments when it all transpired.

No matter. If this thing is to be done at all, a beginning must be chosen. So I choose to begin with a metaphor. I suppose it's as good a place to begin as any other. I begin with the sensation of goose flesh, the hairs raising on the backs of my arms and the back of my neck, the wholly singular sensation one experiences when confronted with the movements of a creature from the uncanny valley. A thing the mind instinctually recoils from. A thing that should not be.

Picture a man walking along a beach near sunset. He enjoys the feel of the sun and breeze against his skin, the sound of the waves gently rushing towards him and receding, the scent of the saltwater in the air, the feel of the sand between his toes. Something catches his attention, something slight and nearly missed, but once glimpsed cannot be unseen it ignored. Some tiny anomaly, but it works his curiosity, and he has no choice but to investigate. He approaches guileless and incautious, having apprehended no cause for trepidation as


d3vx t1_izdp4oy wrote

dying is temporary, just smile through it! =P


cecil721 t1_izdx5w2 wrote

Let it go, this too shall pass.

My favorite song lyric and quote.


wolfstardobe t1_ize03j3 wrote

I sat on a Cactus as a kid. I was about 4-5 and we were setting up a camping area in the evening for Independence Day. I was in shorts.

I remember it clearly. It was pretty horrible.


Kev42o4o8 t1_ize3jiz wrote

Accurate depiction of life


delegateTHIS t1_ize3xwy wrote

Can't blame him - but see, there's a smaller cactus already passed - clearly some foul spirit has cursed him to pass ever larger cacti with a smile on his face.

Perhaps his ex-girlfriend or wife is a powerful witch?


DeadPoster t1_izecl3z wrote

What if it's not covered by your healthcare plan?


sylsau t1_izi9phf wrote

Whether you are on a great victory or a terrible defeat, everything is only temporary in life.

What counts, as Churchill said, is the courage to go on!