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Crazy95jack t1_izj8lxy wrote

Anyone under 30 disagrees


Bazzatron t1_izjdo8v wrote

I'm going to go out on a limb and broaden this to most people.

The only ones looking forward are the ones that stand to profit from the coming storm.

Even if you just have a job, the coming shift will be just as much fun as the last.


[deleted] t1_izjuszt wrote



Bazzatron t1_izk57wj wrote

By shift I mean a shift at work. I was going to say "9 to 5", but remembered that tomorrow is Saturday, so the 9 to 5 crowd literally are better tomorrow 😅


[deleted] t1_izk7jqj wrote

Because most people under 30 are too naive to see the truth of existence, y’all just love complaining and whining, life is beautiful.


Crazy95jack t1_izk8qy3 wrote

Cant wait for my body to get more aches and pains while global problems that will affect the rest of my life continues to worsen. If life is so beautiful why are 600 million people without access to safe clean water globally. Why are Ukrainians being executed in their homes. Why does 0.1% of Americans have more than the bottom 90% of Americans. Ignorance is bliss.


[deleted] t1_izkd0qp wrote

Keep crying about things you couldn’t help even if you dedicated your life to helping them, that’s a miserable existence. More and more people are pulled out of poverty, given clean drinking water, given access to proper nutrition, and given access to proper education every year, really easy to look at all the global negatives in the world but things have only gotten better and will continue to get better, that is a fact, not an opinion


Crazy95jack t1_izke22l wrote

Helping other is the most satisfying existence anyone could ever experience. Since covid started more people have been dragged back down into poverty, unable to heat their homes without going hungry. Huge numbers of workers striking due to pay and working conditions. All it takes is the likes of Putin releasing nuclear weapons and life for us and our children's children would be miserable. You don't speak fact but words of blind hope. Nothing in the future is guaranteed, thats a fact.


[deleted] t1_izkeqfy wrote

And how many people have you helped? I’m willing to guess none, the people that complain the most do the least. I donate to charities frequently and work in my community’s local soup kitchen and I see the effects of my work. So keep being miserable, I’d rather think like me than you any day


Crazy95jack t1_izkfgth wrote

I run a 3d printing business and freelance design work. An area I specialise in is mobility devices for injured pets.


[deleted] t1_izkgumk wrote

Charging people for a service is not charity, it’s nice and easy to point out bad shit happening but people won’t get their hands dirty, it’s all virtue signalling to make you feel good