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kiki7865 t1_j04xiw4 wrote

I was in that spot for a while, but I realized that by Changing my thoughts about myself and encouraging good behavior (positive reinforcement), I became more of the person I wanted to be. Instead of punishing myself, I coached myself lovingly on behaving well and cheered myself when I did. Within a matter of weeks, I switched from intense self loathing to loving myself everyday because I believe I am a great person who tries to do good in my core. I am worthy of love from myself because I am trying my best.


pandaonfire_5 t1_j05l3iy wrote

Kudos to you for working on yourself! It's definitely not easy.


altered_state t1_j05s2qa wrote

I’m jealous of you. I hate that I have this feeling, but I’m jealous that you were able to find a way out. Congratulations nonetheless ❤️