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SmileWithMe__ t1_j08a7ch wrote

I think that some damage is irreversible, but it doesn’t mean you can’t go on to achieve great things, but I do think it means that you’ll always struggle internally, and be motivated to drown it out with drugs/alcohol/medication etc. So I do think that pretending you’re fine, won’t make you fine, but it doesn’t necessarily have the power to stop you from achieving either.


Suyefuji t1_j09ay6j wrote

I'm an intelligent person with a successful career despite massive PTSD. At the same time, I know I would have had so much more potential if I wasn't spending half of my energy every day fighting with mental illness.


SmileWithMe__ t1_j09gbpx wrote

I agree 100%. It slows one down, and the sense of inferiority it creates, then pushes one forward lol (I say it jokingly, but I realize that it’s not funny at all when you’re in it).


chevymonza t1_j09jvte wrote

I'm in a career rut, and have to fight the PTSD all the time. Always trying to remain neutral in a department fraught with drama and turnover. People get on my case about not taking sides sometimes, but I honestly don't know who to trust most of the time.