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residentfriendly t1_j0f7cqs wrote

What does it teach?


RhinosGoMoo t1_j0ficaz wrote

I guess that's like asking "What's the meaning of life?"

It's different for every individual. It depends on you as a person, on what "rock bottom" looks like for you, on how you got there...

But generally, it teaches you the skills needed to claw your way back up from rock bottom. And those same skills can be very valuable in life in many other ways.


sovietmcdavid t1_j1680wp wrote

Yeah, it's metaphorical.

If you're at your lowest point, any decision you make that doesn't add to your misery is a "step up" from your current low point


KnowYourShadow t1_j0g3kep wrote

Depends what your 'rock bottom' is. But usually, it teaches you how to live a better life -- by showing you what you should have avoided.


jovhenni19 t1_j0gd912 wrote

Resilience, humility and compassion to others. With hard work and striving to better yourself you will build these character.

Unless you lie, cheat, and steal your way to the top, then you will be selfish, unforgiving, and proud.