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benadrylpill t1_j0pnkw9 wrote

This is not motivating.


JosephZoldyck t1_j0pv0z8 wrote

Might be for someone else.


WorldSilver t1_j0s12d8 wrote

Then is there really a meaningful theme to this subreddit? Is it just anything that could be motivating to some person somewhere? Thought it was supposed to be things that are inherently motivational?


JosephZoldyck t1_j0t0ill wrote

Not hard to find meaning in the image. Holding the leash could be symbolism for intrinsic motivation. It could also be symbolism for having the conviction to forge your own path. Walking inside the crosswalk could be symbolism for being on the right path. I think focusing on the image and what it might mean to you is the point of the post. Maybe do that, i dunno.