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decrementsf t1_j0ufo51 wrote

> "Small wonder that spell means both a story told, and a formula of power over living men." - Tolkien on fairy-stories

The human Operating System runs on storytelling. The framing you give your mind. The storytelling does not need to be true, to be useful. You have to give yourself a useful story or someone else will do so for you. Your parents. More commonly your peers, and instilled by what is most useful for a snake or a charlatan.

A bad story is a mental prison. Can keep you trapped in dependence, guilt, or resentment. You may have marveled at an elephant held in place by a tiny stake in the ground. The elephant is huge. It can move at any time but instead it stays put. You are that elephant when trapped in a mental prison, sticking to your lane and giving up before ever trying at all. Useful! Buy the product, consumer. You're bedazzled by the spell and sit obediently still, or worse smash up your neighborhood.

Trick is the mental prison has no lock. You can open the door and step out at any time. To write your own human Operating System is to give yourself a more useful story. Bruce Lee's quote is one example of an element that might be in that. If you look to sports teams, and military, they commonly have motto's or creed's to inspire. Those framings are pieces of a human operating system. They don't have to be true to leverage them to be useful. A more complete human operating system does not have to be elaborate but can more powerfully be a story for yourself that guides action.

In gradeschool you will find stories thrown over you like a yoke. Guiding. Controlling your behavior. Usually capped off by a fear of failure panicked and rushed headlong into signing a financial contract for a large student loan for continued years of the same. They don't teach you to author your own Operating System. Actual education begins once you begin picking up books on your own, outside the classroom.