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t1_j13iz3o wrote

Reply to comment by in [image] Be kind by

But you understand the difference between this comment and your other comment, right?


t1_j144513 wrote

But both can be true: just because it's a symptom of depression doesn't mean everyone who displays it has depression

Some days, the deeper the pit inside, the broader my smile becomes.


t1_j14bcsy wrote

As to not get too split-hairy here, I just want to focus on the definition of a symptom vs the phenomenon of masking.

You (and presumably the other commenter) are talking about masking. Were happiness to be a symptom of depression, like, say, a fever is a symptom of the flu, you'd have to evaluate every person who displays happiness to test for depression. We know that's not remotely true.

That is because, as a symptom, people would put on a happy face because they're depressed, and not to hide their depression. That's the difference.


t1_j168dyq wrote

I really didn't understand why people were getting so upset with my comment until I read yours.

You've convinced me; so I've updated the top-level comment accordingly.