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TreatThompson OP t1_j16ea1h wrote

It makes me think of this quote too:

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”—Anais Nin

How remarkable our lives are, is limited by how courageous we live.

The more courageous we live, the more doors we open. The more doors we open, the more we expose ourselves to life-enhancing opportunities.


humble_oppossum t1_j16irg1 wrote

It's similar to not being afraid of failure because you can define it differently if you have the perspective.

Not succeeding isn't failure if you learn something from it. Programming, for example, is an endless series of failures that cumulatively result in success. So failure being part of the process makes it easier to swallow and push past


TreatThompson OP t1_j16j2lz wrote

That’s perfectly put!

Great example, I never thought of it like that. The accumulation of iterations results in a satisfying life