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Roving_Rhythmatist t1_j2wft29 wrote

Poorly Paraphrased Marcus Aurelius:

Are you hurting?


Will it kill you?


Then there's nothing to worry about, you'll survive.

...version #2...

Are you hurting?


Will it kill you?


Then there's nothing to worry about, it will all be over soon.


Whiplash17488 t1_j2xwln7 wrote

Thank you.

Also for those listening in. Marcus Aurelius had a 20+ year education as a Stoic philosopher. A Hellenic school of philosophy that taught you how to think about your life and every day decisions. Its something that can still be understood today so you can reach your own conclusions in life rather than following Marcus’ even.


Blackshirts98 t1_j2zwkrs wrote

He wrote the most popular book we have on Stoicism yet would have disagreed to have been called a philosopher. Truly a once in a generation type of man


GregFromStateFarm t1_j30kmgq wrote

Yeah, nah. This is not paraphrased Aurelius. This is an entirely different quote with no relevance to him.
