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w1n5t0nM1k3y t1_j32291l wrote

Says a guy with basically unlimited money who died young because he went against his doctors' advice


wise_quoter OP t1_j323kya wrote

And as it turned out, Steve was right. All his money couldn't extend his time


TheManInTheShack t1_j325vmm wrote

I wouldn’t say 56 is young but I do believe he made a very stupid decision. He basically dodged a bullet (with a rare pancreatic cancer diagnosis that was easily treatable with surgery) and then asked the gunmen to try again.


dtilton t1_j324n95 wrote

Can’t find any evidence this is from Jobs. Maybe it’s a typo but the than/then confusion is sus.

“Don’t believe everything you read on the internet.” — Abraham Lincoln


TheManInTheShack t1_j3260on wrote

He did say something like this in his Stanford University commencement address but yes, this is the first time in reading this quote from him as well.


dtilton t1_j32bjvs wrote

I think I found parts in multiple quotes. Maybe this is a quote joined from different quotes. I'm not pedantic I swear but the 'than' made me want to look into it.


Trips-Over-Tail t1_j32eccq wrote

Boss says I have to smile more at customers.


bswriter_ t1_j35q3yo wrote

All I want is to feel like my time is mine.