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Pseudoburbia t1_j3vtaxn wrote

I think it’s funny that the one post on here i see people get behind and not immediately go “yeeeeah BUT” is also a post that gives you an excuse to do nothing.


EthosPathosLegos t1_j3wizlj wrote

I think its interesting that the post people resonate with the most is the one you seem to be judging harshly.


Pseudoburbia t1_j3x6iab wrote

i think it just speaks to the nature of the common redditor.


EthosPathosLegos t1_j3xffhp wrote

Burnt out millenials with debt still living with their parents being told they arent grinding hard enough from people who inherited generational wealth? Yeah i get that.


Pseudoburbia t1_j3xqle7 wrote

I’m guessing that’s commentary on me?

I’m a millennial and I inherited no generational wealth, or wealth of any kind. I grew up in a trailer and dropped out of high school, then skipped college. Then i fucked around for 5 years doing nothing. Then I found a job i liked, poured myself into it, and started my own company. It wasn’t given to me, I constantly struggle with motivation. You know what doesn’t, and never would have, motivated me? Quotes like this. The only thing I ever needed to be told was get off my ass and make something happen; but the average r/getmotivated user would describe that sentiment as…. well just look at the typical comments on any given post here.

Most people are just fucking lazy and make bad decisions. Then blame it on capitalism, boomers, etc etc.


EthosPathosLegos t1_j3xsstt wrote

It actually was more a commentary on grind culture and charlatans like Gary V. if you felt attacked that wasn't my intention.