[Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone.
Submitted by AngelicDevilz t3_10mfrry in GetMotivated
Reply to comment by HomoVulgaris in [Image] it's okay if your life feels like a great tragedy. It's okay to live without happiness or fulfillment, it only means your human and far from alone. by AngelicDevilz
The whole thing just reeks of… something. Not sure what but it isn’t good haha
Dude was a wacko who disappeared up his own ass. He sincerely believed that the human intellect was an evolutionary mistake, like a deer that had evolved horns too heavy for its own head.
He might be right. Look at orcas, top of the food chain, they have nothing to fear. They just swim around with all their friends and family as they eat yummy things, play games with their food and each other, sing, have sex and sleep. No stress, no bills, nothing but endless pleasure.
We are the top predators on land. We could have had the happy existence of orcas if we hadn't kept evolving. We only really needed spears and a group of us could take down even the biggest bear. But we just couldn't stop there.
Now we're stressed all day about bills, forced to spend most of our waking hours doing things we hate, we worry about what are neighbors will think if we skip mowing for a week or how we will pay back student loans after picking a major that was way too hard or is useless even if earned. We watch people live their lives on tiny screens because our own feel so meaningless. We retire and realize with horror that we are too tired and in too much pain to enjoy the freedom that we wasted our whole lives doing things we hate to get.
Are cars and telephones really better than happiness?
You're right, OP! Let's live like animals because animals are happy.
We ARE animals. What is more important than happiness?
Your duty to your fellow human beings.
Duty to fellow humans? I am homeless, I could not even find a place to let me use their sink to apply lice treatment recently and had to do it outside in the cold at night with a jug of water that ran out leaving lice treatment in my fuvkimg hair. I was fired from a non-profit when my coworker discovered I was homeless. There are more empty homes in America than homeless yet our government won't give us basic shelter. It's legal to discriminate based on homelessness and so so many people do and we cannot even sue.
So why should I owe anything to humanity that has abandoned the poorest humans? Humanity only cares about humanity until it becomes an inconvence to do so.
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