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oakteaphone t1_j678t07 wrote

OP said they didn't get it


AngelicDevilz OP t1_j681kb9 wrote

I still don't get it..


oakteaphone t1_j68hh4r wrote

"Your" is possessive. So by saying "Your human", it seems like you're talking about "my human" (since "my" is the possessive form of "me").

Of course I knew that you meant "you are" shortened to "you're", but that's why it was a joke, lol


AngelicDevilz OP t1_j68qd6x wrote

Oh, I think that will change soon. Few people bother with opening the symbols screen when typing just to say you're instead of your. It's too inconvenient if autocorrect won't do it automatically and language and spelling change based on common usage so I imagine you're will be another old English word in a few decades. I try to speed the change along as much as I can.


oakteaphone t1_j6970ra wrote

I doubt it. We have enough professional writing that will be unlikely to change that way.

They used to say we'd be replacing them both with "ur", but that didn't happen.


AngelicDevilz OP t1_j699srp wrote

Ur died because smartphones made texting easier.

Unless something replaces smart phones then things will change over time.