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Trips-Over-Tail t1_j7ve02h wrote

Loving anything is a tall order. Some brains just don't work that way.


EveryDayImPublishin t1_j7vc468 wrote

Taking steps is all that matters. You can have amazing results and not "love it". Actions matter for results.


rob51i03 t1_j7vviv3 wrote

You're right, but some folks lose motivation and give up. "Love" might be too strong a word, but finding joy in what you do and celebrating the small achievements is key to maintaining motivation IMHO.


MalteseGyrfalcon t1_j7w3v97 wrote

Hmm. Might be better to persist when you don’t love what you do, but can look forward to results.

Both these graphs could show the same person doing two different things with the same attitude, which is no motivation at all.


Jammintoad t1_j7vvnng wrote

Just do it every day. Fuck results. Fuck loving it. This worked for me.


rob51i03 t1_j7va1uk wrote

I've been learning guitar for the past 5 years and this is so true for me.


No_Ranger_120 t1_j7y7zdv wrote

Love this. Reminds me of the “plateau of disappointment” James Clear talks about in Atomic Habits.


jameswptv t1_j7vyg1o wrote

23 fucking years.. Then I quit


UniverseBear t1_j7wd6jp wrote

That's what I'm banking on. Got a passion YouTube channel running. 5 videos in and 69 (nice) subscribers but all the comments are super positive with some people saying "this is the most underrated channel on youtube" and I feel at some point it'll grow exponentially.

If not that's OK because I'm making the art I want to make.


TheWrecklessFlamingo t1_j7wvrl7 wrote

Youtube is so good for expressing your passion. You get a chance to make money doing it and if it never happens atleast you had fun. Tho alot of people have passion for money and unfortunately results in some misinformative fake videos or just negative negative videos.


ChalupaCabre t1_j7xhv3m wrote

I love quitting and trying something new!