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Fuckchicoca t1_j8ala6x wrote

I’m doing fine actually in a good mood and just being honest lol.


LynxKuroneko t1_j8alfw1 wrote

I bet. Most "honest" people just seem to not want others to be happy. But hey. At least YOU are in a good mood. That's what counts. 🥰


Fuckchicoca t1_j8am1bv wrote

Why do you think me saying my opinion equates to wanting others to be in a bad mood? I’m not gonna act like I enjoy something unless it benefits someone. Acting like you don’t see how the image could be corny & lying to OP is doing a disservice imo.


LynxKuroneko t1_j8amton wrote

Nah, they didn't ask for advice on that. Ffs. "If I dont like it they shouldn't either." 😒