Submitted by crm_expert t3_112v6ah in GetMotivated
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mnq9y wrote
Why do people not talk more about the weird religious cult Jung started? Like the dude was so obsessed with the occult yet, I rarely see people acknowledge it.
EDIT: I just think the topic is cool and related to religions that have mostly been forgotten. Definitely think it is the infinitly more interesting side to Jung. Then what people present. Not trying to discredit anyone or start a crusade. Just wanna talk cool harmless cults.
EDIT 2: took out hyperbole for better clarity.
EDIT 3: Does anyone know if the Cult Of Dionysus still exists? I think I'm gonna join a cult.
btn1136 t1_j8mroat wrote
Because like most intellectuals: when he’s right he’s right and when he’s wrong he’s wrong. Quit making excuses and get motivated! Maybe join a cult?
xtoplasm t1_j8ozu77 wrote
People love to harp on the questionable parts of a person but they can't seem to give credit where it's due. This is a huge red flag IMO as to how much reflection and application they perform on their own lives. Maybe they wouldn't be so heavy-handed if they realized how hypocritical they truly are. Of course, this is easier said than done when you have such a strong bias about yourself.
sitnlisten t1_j8mslep wrote
The article you linked is entirely about people talking about his weird religious cult. Weird complaint when you found what you’re looking for.
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mt5b9 wrote
I was supporting my claim. It would be weird if I just made that claim about Jung with no links supporting it.
One dude wrote a book, yet a whole sub genre of self-help is inspired by Jung's stuff. I'm just surprised it isn't brought up more often.
sitnlisten t1_j8mtis5 wrote
So people are talking about it and your concerned about a niche sub-genre of self help? If his cultish writing help a few people better themselves what is the harm? Jungians aren’t out there looking for more cultists in any significant manner. If you’re gonna start a crusade why don’t you go after one of the established religious cults like christianity, islam, or hinduism who all have objectively done infinitely more harm?
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mttit wrote
I just find it an interesting topic. It isn't some crusade. I didn't mean to upset you.
sitnlisten t1_j8muhlk wrote
You didn’t upset me. I’m just curious. Did jung or his cult negatively impact you or someone around you? I think he was deluded and I think some of the stuff he put out is helpful in the right context. Normally when I’ve talked with people about jung, the majority agree he was wrong and harmful about some aspects of mental health and others he had some helpful insights that are beneficial to others. My surprise was your comment saying that no one is talking about him and his occult ideas when in my experience it’s been a commonly agreed upon fact. Anyone can write a self help book and it’s easier to borrow ideas that have been helpful to others than to recreate your own. I also am trying to be more open to what is helpful to other people and despite my own misgivings I think jungians have helped people in significant distress and if that’s what they’ve achieved without cult initiation why not let them be?
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mvx7w wrote
Because I think the cult stuff is way cooler than the self-help stuff. I don't have a problem. You assumed I had a problem and immediately went on the defensive. I was just trying to start a conversation about a cool subject
sitnlisten t1_j8mw4wr wrote
You said why is no one talking about this. People are talking about it, your lack of exposure isn’t evidence that something isn’t happening. Didn’t go on the defensive. Went on the offensive to pick apart your false statements.
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mw9yc wrote
It was a hyperbole. I was literally talking about it to. Making my statement false. If I said "Why is no one watching this awesome TV show." It would be false too. Because I would have watched it.
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mxu3q wrote
Also, you said, "Let them be." As if I was attacking "Jungians.". Cult, while carryng a negative connotation, I like to study old religions so it doesn't carry that meaning with me. Maybe that's where we got off on the wrong foot.
sitnlisten t1_j8my7s0 wrote
Then broach topics in a way people can understand your point. Your first comment is clearly a criticism with no “wow isn’t this interesting” aspect to it at all.
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8myzcj wrote
I can tell I struck a nerve with my haphazard comment. I am truly sorry.
going2leavethishere t1_j8n9ey6 wrote
I think the most interesting is the fact that he started to have schizophrenic thoughts and instead of talking to a colleague he decided to isolate himself and monitor all his thoughts and hallucinations in The Black Book.
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8nd67n wrote
This also happened right after he did a deep dive into Mithraic religions, which heavily influenced his hallucinations. Makes me curious about the connection schizophrenia might have with religious obsessions. Makes me wonder if historic Oracles/ shamans might have been schizophrenic individuals. They just happened to live in a society that appreciated it instead of stigmatized it. Who knows. Definitely not me.
Shot_Sprinkles_6775 t1_j8qaysn wrote
Schizophrenia often takes religious themes. I think it might be the other way around though. Religions often say that you’re always being monitored, your goodness is being judged, you need saved, etc. kinda decent material for delusions and paranoia so if you’re familiar with those teachings your mind might borrow from them.
Dr_Octahedron t1_j8msx3v wrote
That Richard Noll guy's talking about it so that's one person I guess.
Murky-Resolve-2843 t1_j8mtgah wrote
I'm just surprised it isn't brought up more often.
Shot_Sprinkles_6775 t1_j8qap8a wrote
“Cool harmless cults” 😂😂. I actually was reading a book about this though. Colin Wilson wrote it. I was kinda surprised to see Jung in there but then again he was so focused on introspection, your subconscious self. That’s what the occult means, stuff you don’t understand. Hidden stuff. It doesn’t have to be like voodoo dolls or hexes. It can be meditating on who you are. Now the Dionysus thing sounds like it was pretty off the chain hahah.
[deleted] t1_j8psiqm wrote
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