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Fun_in_Space t1_j95jod0 wrote


Smooth-Mulberry4715 t1_j979vv7 wrote

If you have no job, no insurance, no money - get social services. It’s what it’s there for. Call the Medicaid office, they’ll orient you.


Fun_in_Space t1_j97xjzx wrote

I have money from an inheritance that I am living on while I look for another job, so I don't qualify for any assistance. I really thought I would have found another job by now.


Smooth-Mulberry4715 t1_j99jyqm wrote

Then use your inheritance to pay for health insurance - it’s not that expensive. I’m starting to wonder if you really want to get motivated or just want to bitch about your unwillingness to function (or as I used to tell my mother, “I can’t want to”).


Fun_in_Space t1_j99v31p wrote

Health insurance isn't very expensive? What alternate universe do you live in?


Smooth-Mulberry4715 t1_j9bdiit wrote

One that values quality of life over discretionary spending. You have an inheritance to live on but not a couple hundred bucks for insurance? You can’t figure out how to find a therapist or a psychiatrist that specializes in ADHD? You can’t reach out to social services to ask for mental health resources in your area? Are you five..?


Fun_in_Space t1_j9ccehl wrote

It's more than "a couple hundred bucks" per MONTH for health insurance. Try $456.00 per month. You are guessing that I have much more money than I do. I AM TRYING to find a job I can live on, without success.

NO, I can't figure out how to find a therapist that specializes in ADHD. I tried. I had to choose from among a short list of in-network providers and none of them did. I don't quality for social services.