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fapping_bird t1_j916lke wrote

My life has gone to shit since 4 years back. And I found this motivating comic and I told myself one day like the guy in the comic I would figure myself out, just give me some time.

4 years later, to present time, coming to 5 years almost actually, my life is still shit. And I stumbled on this comic again.

I can’t help but think that I’m a failure. FML


dwhiffing t1_j91p8jm wrote

Try making smaller changes. Next time you see something that makes you think you are a failure, try to replace those thoughts with something that you are proud of. It may seem cheesy, but one who moves a mountain must start by carrying away small stones. Best of luck to you stranger.


GoogleIncognitoMode t1_j91mmsw wrote

Got me in the first half. Tbh tho, it's better to be a hopeful failure than a hopeless failure. Stay strong 💪