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bear_sees_the_car t1_ja6yu3e wrote


Blessing in disguise

Moving away from parents is the best thing anyone can do. Part of your mental issues stem through both their parenting u as a child and your interactions now.

You literally got invitation to a better future.

And as always remind yourself: what the worst that could happen? Because in reality the worst thing would be needing to go back live with parents at some point, not anything else as u may fear now.


itslexibicth OP t1_ja8pce4 wrote

Agreed but also respectfully the worst that could happen is irreversible so I want to feel safe before I’m ready to distance myself from my support system.


bear_sees_the_car t1_ja92qpg wrote

Well, it can happen regardless of anything. People randomly slip in their showers etc.

It is up to you, do what you feel is right for you and for the situation.

I just know by experience, losing will to fight by staying in swamp too long can be worse than trying to run when you are not fully ready.