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jl_theprofessor t1_ja98363 wrote

If you've never gone consistently to the gym before then right now you are in the process of habit building. The important part will be to make it there on a consistent basis. Establish set times and days you will go and don't waiver. Maybe one day you don't have the will to go as long as normal? That's okay, you went. But you have to commit to it for weeks, months really, until it's habit. Until you're not going for the highs but because it's a part of your routine. You're not always going to feel great about going to the gym. There was one day last week where I was barely able to stay in the gym 45 minutes and only ran four miles. Exhausted, I just said "no mas." But I went back the next day, and the next, because it's a habit. It's okay to not go as hard some days but at this early stage you need to be committed to habit building.