Unlikely-Zone21 t1_jd57ik3 wrote
How do you feel about the tonnage of CO2 that is emitted from mining operations for electronic parts not being counted towards the "green"ness of various products, specifically EV cars obviously? I'm not talking about fossil fuel consumption for drilling and transport. I'm talking about recent studies done showing the insane amount of CO2 that is stored in the Earth that is being released due to the mining operations that currently does not go into those green calculations (ie I think it is if you drive an EV for 7 years and 60k miles it's better for the environment than the equivalent ICE vehicle).
MannyDantyla t1_jd5sarm wrote
Do you have a source?
ztmwvo t1_jd8566g wrote
This sounds like propaganda. Do you have a credible source for this statement?
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