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whatsasimba t1_ispc75f wrote

I grew up with cats, and my memories of them were basically just like that. I lived in apartments for 20+ years as an adult, and rabbits were my pet of choice for most of them. Basically the enthusiasm of a dog when I came home, but less stinky litterboxes (mine were trained).

A few years after the last one passed away, I got a dog. Then a house, and a second dog. And two and a half years ago, a good friend needed to go into assisted living, so I took her cats. Internally, I wasn't thrilled, but if I can keep animals out of the shelter, I'll do it.

There was a period of separation in the house, with cats in the attic, but a few months in, everyone started to mingle. And I love these cats. The litter box situation is still evolving (I think I'm getting the robot), but they're pretty chill. I've had to intervene a time or two before the pups get a taste of the murder mittens, but both dogs and a cat are snoozing on my bed, and most nights, all 4 of them sleep with me.

I don't know that I'd get another cat when these two go to live with their mom at the rainbow bridge, but I want them to have as long and happy a life as possible until then.