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gameartist3d t1_itqnk7k wrote

How come there isn't election security within the parties? What does it matter if our votes are properly counted if the candidates we get are neither one we wanted? Foreign powers are going straight to the source. What is being done to prevent corrupt politicians like Trump from running again?


TheMerovingian t1_itr2p1b wrote

Not to mention electoral college and gerrymandering. Or the fact that federal elections aren't federally regulated. States can do whatever the hell they want as long as in the end, their electors produce their handful of votes.

The electors aren't even required to vote according to the states outcome!


dmanbiker t1_itrg0el wrote

People vote for the corrupt politicians.

To combat them, you have to get people to stop voting for them.

The current state of things has people wanting corrupt politicians, and the only way to change that is to talk to people and change their mind,