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Weioo t1_itrkxvy wrote

How is it legal for Republicans to be doing what they are to take over the government? I.E. filling positions all over the country with trumpists (state level SOS) which is an obvious government power grab? Why is gerrymandering acceptable per court ruling some odd years ago? Fuck politics and the system, man, its fucked at this point.


danegerously t1_itrousa wrote

Why do people who were involved in Jan 6 arraignments and cases keep getting delayed? Why is Steve Bannon the only person to go to jail for contempt when so many others have refused to attend congressional hearings? Eric Holder, Bill Barr, Chad Wolf, Henry Kissinger, Lois Lerner were held in contempt yet no one else has gone to jail. It’s called a kangaroo court and the Biden administration reigns supremely over it. I’ve never saw an administration vehemently attack its political adversaries like Biden’s. And the out right lies while they protect the likes of Hunter Biden, Andrew Cuomo, Nancy “The Bull” Pelosi. And btw wth are you even talking about?


Natanael_L t1_itspu8p wrote

You don't know what gerrymandering is? Go look it up.


Weioo t1_itrxl7o wrote

Honestly it was purely a rant because I'm so fed up with politics in this country going down the shitter. It only gets worse as time goes on, more attacks, more usage of blatant loopholes that our bullshit country continues to allow. Much like the way the gerrymandering case went a couple years back.... and corporate donations to politicians. It's all setup to fail hard. It's not a question of if, but when.

Edit: Why do you think the extreme right fought so hard to remove abortion federally, and continue to try at the state level in every state? That 'pro-life' bullshit is true, but only for the wealthy. They need little minions to take all the shitty, crappy jobs that nobody wants so they can be served/serviced. They worry about our population and want to force it to grow in recent years.

I could rant all day. Not arguing, just ranting, so tired of blantent bullshit.