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ActuallyHuge t1_itt6rx9 wrote

I feel like many here are missing the point of this post sadly. Most of the comments here are asking questions in a manner that promotes taking these substances. And although I think we can all agree we need to study this more, the point of this post was to showcase the negative experiences people have using them after reading too much about the positive effects on the internet, in the media, on reddit, on netflix. There are so many positive links and articles surrounding this subject and almost none regarding the dangers, especially here on reddit. We are rapidly changing how people view these substances and we are going to experience some blowback. And thats what these guys are talking about. Sadly I was one of the victims. I took mushrooms 3 years ago and it has completely ruined my life. Im a little better now but there isn't a day that goes by where I'm not negatively affected by it. So my question is, how do you we get people to realise that this can go wrong? Its not all positive nor is risk free. Many people take these substances and are never the same again. I was watching a podcast with Joe Koy who had his genetic testing done. The doctor had told him that he had a gene for schizophrenia that could be triggered by using Marijuana or psychedelics. Luckily he wasn't a big user but he preached the dangers. I imagine many people have these sort of triggers and its important people take caution when diving into this world.


spacecadet84 t1_ittssmu wrote

What dose did you take, may I ask?


ActuallyHuge t1_ittuqqm wrote

I took 2gs of mushrooms which I was told was a very low dose. Dont know how true that is though.


zKBone t1_itvvhgl wrote

Would you mind sharing at all your set and setting and what happened to you during that time to facilitate such experience? I’m sorry that happened to you.


deviltamer t1_itw56oi wrote

It's atleast a moderate dose, i experienced ego death on it on my first trip with LemonTek

But with all drugs some people have more sensitivity plus there are so many other factors that we still don't know about. Blood pressure, hydration, food in the gut, all of these things can and do affect how strong somebody will experience a particular dose on a particular day.

Also your brain is a powerful thing, it makes things true that you believe in it, well sort of, physiologically. Placebos exist and so do Nocebos. Please seek support and talk about this trauma in a safe reflective manner.

Happy if you'd wanna DM and chat about your experience


Subtlehame t1_itvgocn wrote

Do you mind if I ask how it ruined your life?